- 200ml Milk
- 1 Cup Cream / Malai
- 2tbl Spoon Sugar
- 2tbl Corn Starch
- Vanilla Essence
- Food Color (Orange, Green)
- Orange Shell For Assembling
- Take pot, add milk, cream, sugar, corn-starch & mix well.
- Heat the stove and cook above mixture till it becomes thick with constant stirring.
- When it becomes thick and creamy, off the flame and let it cool for a while.
- Now your creamy mousse is ready.
- Divide this mousse into 3 parts.
- Add orange color in one portion & green colour in second portion and keep once portion in white color.
- Take orange Shell and place orange color mousse in bottom.
- Allow the mousse to set for about 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator.
- Once the bottom layer set, pour white mousse on it. & allow the mousse to set for about 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator.
- Then add third layer which is green color mousse.
- Now allow the mousse to set for about 2 - 3 hours in the refrigerator.
- Cut the orange Shell as we cut piece of cake and you can see the TRI COLOR in it.
- Your delicious TRI COLOR MOUSSE is ready to serve
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